Whangarei Delivery 27.2.24

Would any of our community be travelling to Whangarei tomorrow morning and could deliver a  water test for us?  Needs to be at the lab before midday.  Please let Rochelle know at the office if [...]

By |2024-02-26T09:11:41+13:0026th February 2024|ALERTS|Comments Off on Whangarei Delivery 27.2.24

Valentines Day – date night?

Hey parents - how are you going to celebrate Valentines Day? How about coming to this AWESOME, essential learning opportunity hosted by our Kahui Ako at DHS. All Arapohue Parents that attend will go into [...]

By |2024-02-08T07:52:17+13:008th February 2024|ALERTS, Newsletters|Comments Off on Valentines Day – date night?
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