By Rochelle Cleary|2024-09-09T09:01:58+13:009th September 2024|ALERTS, Newsletters|Comments Off on Teacher Only Day 13.9.24
September Newsletter
Hi All Please find our latest newsletter attached. September NWPA Media Release
Show Day Indoor Exhibits – Home Options
Yesterday students received the list of home options for indoor exhibits at this years' Ag Show Day. Teachers explained each item in class so hopefully everyone is up to speed, except of course those who [...]
Free optometrist appointments The optometrist from the Mr Four Eyes foundation is here every two months to deliver free advanced vision testing at Dargaville Medical Centre. These appointments will take 30 to 40 minutes, and if needed, [...]
August Newsletter
Grab a cuppa and enjoy our latest newsletter! August
Winter Ills & Chills
4.7.24 Just a quick 'heads up' for our families .... we have a couple of students who are away with strep throat. If your child has a sore throat you may want to consider getting [...]
Newsletter 1 July 2024
Our last newsletter for Term 2 is attached. Happy reading! July
Kapa Haka Festival
23.6.24 Kia ora koutou A reminder that we have our Kapa Haka festival tomorrow. Students need: black shorts or pants a packed lunch if they have not ordered a hangi water bottle footwear rain jacket [...]
UPDATE – 21.6.24
Kia ora koutou, We hope you all had power restored last night and managed to eat and keep warm! SCHOOL IS OPEN TODAY. Given that we have been told to conserve power and that there [...]
School Closure 20.6.24
Given the current Northland wide power outage we are being proactive in our approach for health & safety reasons. If you are able to collect your children from school ASAP we would appreciate that. If [...]
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