General Information


Whole school assemblies are held once a month. Classes take turns to run these assemblies and they are a positive way to end our week and celebrate the learning that has taken place. Awards are given out and we do our PATH Cards Prize Draw. We warmly welcome our families to join us.

Attendance and Punctuality

While the law does not require enrolment until the age of six once a child is enrolled, regular attendance is expected. Parents are responsible for ensuring their child attends school regularly and is on time.

Lack of attendance and late arrivals disrupt your child’s academic progress. If students are to be absent or late, please inform the school by phoning the office before 8.30am otherwise your child will be marked absent with no explanation. The Education Act requires a written note for all absences.

The Board has the responsibility to follow up any absenteeism and report to the Ministry of Education if there are any concerns.

Behaviour Incentives

We work hard to teach, promote and encourage positive behaviour and our students are able to earn PATH cards for making good choices. These cards are entered into a draw and are tallied for individual students to allow us further opportunities to acknowledge our fabulous learners as they reach set milestones.

Collecting Children From School

We do ask that you exercise caution when picking up children from school. Please park on the school side of the road but away from the bus bay. Children being picked up will not be released until after the buses have departed. The school requires written confirmation of any changes to travelling arrangements, a phone call is sufficient in emergencies.

Please provide a note giving the date, child’s name and details of change (eg: if you collect your child when they would normally catch the school bus, or when your child will be going home with someone else). The bus drivers demand good behaviour from the children on the bus to ensure that they are safely transported.


Our perimeter is fully fenced and the gates need to be kept closed during the school day for Health and Safety concerns.

Health and Immunisation

As from January 2000, the Ministry of Education required schools to keep a record of immunisation for all students. Please ensure you have the required documentation and record of any childhood illnesses which may provide auto-immunity when you enrol your child. We also require their Full Birth Certificate on enrolment.

Home Learning

Home learning may be a good indication to parents of the level of work their child is doing. Most parents expect their children to have some regular homework. This year reading, practice of basic facts and times tables and spelling learning will be part of home learning.

It is designed to build on and facilitate their in-class learning. Please help your child to get into a regular habit with home learning and help them remember their home learning bag and book daily.

Lost Property

It is your responsibility to ensure your children’s clothes, shoes, etc, are clearly named. It is your children’s responsibility to keep track of their belongings. They are encouraged, by staff, to continually check for clothing, shoes, etc.

Reporting to Parents

Parents are always welcome to contact the school to arrange an appointment to discuss aspects of the school life of their child(ren). Teacher  |  Student  |  Parent conferences are twice a year and written reports go out in Term 2 and 4.


We try to keep the amount of stationery to a minimum and at the beginning of the year/joining our school, your child will require stationery. During the first week (unless you advise differently) a stationery pack will be issued to each student and an account sent home for payment.

Taking Children from School

If it becomes necessary for a child to be removed from school during school hours, parents are asked to contact the school before school starts and to provide a written note to be handed to the class teacher. Children are not to be released early from classrooms without specific approval from the Principal.