Kia ora everyone

I am sure you have all watched todays announcement with a sense of relief that we will be moving to Level 2, Tuesday 19th @ 11:59pm.

A change from the newsletter that was sent out last week, school will not open on Wednesday, but rather we will open on THURSDAY 21st October. We have essential N4L Infrastructure work being completed onsite on Wednesday that will require workers to be accessing all classrooms during the day and have decided that it is safest to not expose our students to these extra people onsite. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, but look forward to seeing your children on Thursday.

Buses will be running on Thursday as normal. We understand a new mandate is coming requiring ALL students 12 and over to wear masks on school buses but are waiting for clarification as to when this will be introduced.

A reminder that ALL parents/caregivers will be required to wear masks if coming onsite at pick up/drop off and we would discourage you from entering classrooms or the office.

Gates will be locked during the day while we settle into these new routines/expectations.

Zoom will still be on in the morning at 9am, same log ins – details on Seesaw.


Kylie, Sarah and Lyn 🙂