Wednesday 8 September
It is awesome to see all of our staff back onsite today preparing for school to open tomorrow. We can’t wait to welcome our students back!
For us, as mentioned previously, all the required safety precautions for Alert Level 2 will be in place which include following all the recommendations from the public health experts. This means we will regularly clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces, encourage everyone to frequently wash their hands and cough and sneeze into their elbow.
While physical distancing is not a requirement in schools, we will be doing our best to keep learning spaces well-ventilated.
Face coverings are not required to be worn in school. The decision to wear a face covering is up to you and your whānau, whatever your decision it will be respected and supported.
And the most popular questions of the day…
YES Libelle WILL be providing lunches as of tomorrow and buses will be running. Masks do not need to be worm on school buses.
Please email if you have any further questions,